탐욕과 감정을 다스린 판단으로 시장을 이길 수 있다.

What this means is that in good times, investors obsess about the positives, ignore the negatives, and interpret things favorably. Then, when the pendulum swings, they do the opposite, with dramatic effects.
이것이 의미하는 바는 좋은 시기에 투자자들은 긍정적인 것에 집착하고, 부정적인 것은 무시하고, 사물을 호의적으로 해석한다는 것입니다. 그런 다음 진자가 흔들리면 그들은 극적인 효과를 내며 그 반대로 행동합니다.

The non-inear nature of this process suggests something very different from rationality is at work. In particular, as in many other aspects of life, cognitive dissonance plays a big part in investors’ psyches. The human brain is wired to ignore or reject incoming data that is at odds with prior beliefs, and investors are particularly good at this. 
이 과정의 비선형적 특성은 합리성과는 매우 다른 것이 작용하고 있음을 시사합니다. 특히, 삶의 다른 많은 측면에서와 마찬가지로, 인지적 불협화음은 투자자의 정신에서 큰 역할을 합니다. 인간의 뇌는 사전 신념과 맞지 않는 들어오는 데이터를 무시하거나 거부하도록 배선되어 있으며, 투자자는 특히 이 점에 능숙합니다.

the investment world might be less unstable if there were immutable rules – like the one governing gravity – that could be counted on to always produce the same results. But there are no such rules, since markets aren’t built on natural laws, but rather the shifting sands of investor psychology.
투자 세계는 항상 같은 결과를 낼 수 있는 불변의 규칙(중력을 지배하는 규칙과 같은)이 있다면 덜 불안정할지도 모릅니다. 하지만 시장은 자연 법칙에 기반을 두지 않고 투자자 심리의 변덕스러운 모래 위에 세워져 있기 때문에 그런 규칙은 없습니다.

Volatile psychology, skewed perception, overreaction, cognitive dissonance, rapid-ire contagion, irrationality, wishful thinking, forgetfulness, and the lack of dependable principles. That’s quite a laundry list of ills. Together, they constitute the main cause of extreme market highs and lows and are responsible for the volatile swings between them. Ben Graham said that, in the long run, the market is a weighing machine that assesses the merit of each asset and assigns an appropriate price. But in the short term, it’s merely a voting machine, and the investor sentiment that moves it swings wildly, incorporating little rationality and assigning daily prices that often reflect little in terms of intelligence.
변덕스러운 심리, 왜곡된 인식, 과잉 반응, 인지적 불협화음, 연사성 전염, 비이성성, 희망적 사고, 건망증, 신뢰할 수 있는 원칙의 부족. 이는 꽤 많은 악의 목록입니다. 이것들은 함께 극단적인 시장 고점과 저점의 주요 원인이 되며, 그 사이의 변덕스러운 변동에 책임이 있습니다. 벤 그레이엄은 장기적으로 시장은 각 자산의 장점을 평가하고 적절한 가격을 할당하는 저울이라고 말했습니다. 그러나 단기적으로 시장은 단순히 투표 기계일 뿐이며, 이를 움직이는 투자자 감정은 거의 합리성을 통합하지 않고 지능 측면에서 거의 반영되지 않는 일일 가격을 할당하여 격렬하게 변동합니다.

Fundamentals – the outlook for an economy, company or asset – don’t change much from day to day. As a result, daily price changes are mostly about (a) changes in market psychology and thus (b) changes in who wants to own something or un-own something. These two statements become increasingly valid the more daily prices fluctuate. Big fluctuations show that psychology is changing radically.
기본(경제, 회사 또는 자산에 대한 전망)은 매일 크게 변하지 않습니다. 결과적으로 일일 가격 변화는 대부분 (a) 시장 심리의 변화와 (b) 누가 무언가를 소유하거나 무언가를 처분하고자 하는지의 변화에 관한 것입니다. 이 두 가지 진술은 일일 가격이 더 많이 변동할수록 점점 더 타당해집니다. 큰 변동은 심리가 근본적으로 변화하고 있음을 보여줍니다.

The market fluctuates at the whim of its most volatile participants: those who are willing (a) to buy at a big premium to the former price when the news is good and enthusiasm is riding high and (b) to sell at a big discount from the former price when the news is bad and pessimism is rampant.
시장은 가장 변동성이 큰 참여자들의 기분에 따라 움직입니다. 즉, 이들은 (a) 좋은 소식이 있고 열광적인 분위기가 고조될 때 이전 가격보다 큰 프리미엄으로 매수할 의향이 있고, (b) 나쁜 소식이 있고 비관적인 분위기가 만연할 때 이전 가격보다 큰 할인된 가격으로 매도할 의향이 있습니다.

it’s the primary job of the investor to take note when prices stray from intrinsic value and figure out how to act in response. Emotion? No. Analysis? Yes.
투자자의 가장 중요한 임무는 가격이 내재적 가치에서 벗어날 때 이를 알아차리고 이에 대응하여 어떻게 행동해야 할지 파악하는 것입니다. 감정? 아니요. 분석? 그렇습니다.
(번역은 구글번역)

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